Dear All,
Before I forget, I don't know how many of you have seen the Christmas video of the Church, He is the Gift.
We have been sharing it here, and we have shared it with 30 people so far, and if you live somewhere where you have a smart phone, and everyone has internet, and you think you can share it with more people before Christmas than I can here with just my flash drive it Africa, bring it on.
The video itself is less than 3 mins, but every time I see it I am filled with the Spirit, and have a greater desire to do what is right, and to give to Him what little I have.
We are so indebted to Christ, that even when we acieve a little thing, we still owe everything. If we think about that it isn't hard to forgive others. There is the parabole if the man who owed his master 100000000000000 dollars, and was forgiven all, and then another that owed him 5 dollars he threw into prision. This gives us great perspective. We had 50 people in church but there are another 50,000 or more people in our area. So, we have a tooooooon more to do. Here we go. I think I am getting transfered next monday, so I have been trying to take advantage of this last little time here, and I love the area and don't want to leave more every day.
The Lord has been blessing us a ton even though we are worse some days than we were before, and I am incapable of acting in complete faith, but that is okay, because I know that I will get it before it is too late. Repent me Repent me!
We had a solid zone meeting this week. We were told that it was going to be the best training of our missions... and it wasn't. :( But it was still really really good.
We talked about the focuses of this month, and about what the member, investigator, and missionary need to feel to be converted. Desire is a big factor in all of those cases. So, study your scriptures and act in faith. count your blessings, and serve. Be good members.
We had house inspections today, which went good. It was really fast which was nice. I did tons of deep cleaning this morning, and was soooo sick of cleaning by like 12 but that's okay. Most missionarys only clean the surface, so under stuff, or in stuff, or on the sides of stuff doesn't really ever get cleaned so I did a lot of that. My arm was tired from scrubbing. We almost had an emergency because the power was out from when we woke up until like 8, but then it came back, so we were able to have water more accessable to clean. Carrying water from a tank to the sink to wash dishes is not the greatest. I am grateful for what we have though, and that we have running water which most people don't have. We don't have to go carry in water every day from farish away.
Have a good week, but more importantly, help others have a good week.
I love you all!!!!
Elder Sampson
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to me On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Jared Sampson <> wrote:Other picturesAttachments areaPreview attachment DSCN8646.JPGImageDSCN8646.JPG
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Jared SampsonAttachments9:07 AM (2 hours ago)
to me On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Jared Sampson <> wrote:Other picturesAttachments areaPreview attachment DSCN8646.JPGImageDSCN8646.JPG
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Jared SampsonAttachments9:07 AM (2 hours ago)
to me On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Jared Sampson <> wrote:Other picturesAttachments areaPreview attachment DSCN8646.JPGImageDSCN8646.JPG
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Jared SampsonAttachments9:07 AM (2 hours ago)
to me On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Jared Sampson <> wrote:Other picturesAttachments areaPreview attachment DSCN8646.JPGImageDSCN8646.JPG
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Elder Jared Sampson
Missão Cabo Verde Praia
CP 420
Praia, Ilha de Santiago
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Elder Jared Sampson
Cape Verde Praia Mission
P.O. Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
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